The CO2 shortage and LWC Drinks

The CO2 shortage and LWC Drinks

LWC Drinks

Heineken UK & Europe are currently suffering from a shortage of CO2 due to supplier shortages. This has an effect on Heineken and some of their products as they use CO2 in their filtration and packaging process, meaning production will be limited in the short term.


Update - 25/06/18

LWC have had an update from Heineken UK regarding the CO2 shortage that we were informed about last week.

Heineken have managed to secure some deliveries of CO2 meaning that they can start kegging again in their breweries. This does not solves all of the issues and shortages but it does mean that Heineken can start delivering limited stock to LWC. Our account manager’s and customer service teams will be able to keep you up to date on what is available and what isn’t.

Unfortunately there is still a few products that we still cannot get supply of so once these have lines have been exhausted we cannot put a date on when they will be replenished. These products are;

  • Birra Moretti draught
  • Orchard Thieves cider keg
  • Strongbow Cloudy Apple cider keg
  • Sagres keg
  • Tiger keg & bottle
  • Kingfisher keg


For LWC and our customers this means that we will also suffer shortages of products that are supplied to us by Heineken. Beers and ciders affected are: John Smiths Extra Smooth, Amstel, Birra Moretti, Kronenberg 1664, Strongbow, Strongbow Dark Fruits and Symonds Cider.

Kegs of Fosters and Heineken will not be affected.

If these shortages affect your order there is no need to panic as LWC have a fantastic range of products and some of them can provide great substitutes for the beers and ciders that we are losing out on due to this issue.

Gray’s Extra Smooth Bitter is a very smooth, creamy and light bodied bitter and is a great substitute for John Smiths Extra Smooth. Dortmunder Vier is a fantastic premium lager beer and is brewed to the German purity laws and is the perfect replacement for Amstel. Appleshed Cider and Appleshed Dark Fruits are crisp and refreshing ciders and the Dark Fruits has a fantastic burst of blackberry and blackcurrant flavours, ideal substitutes for Strongbow Original and Dark Fruits.

These are just a few examples of the drink substitutes available, if you would like more options or more information on the situation please contact your local depot and they will be happy to help.

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